bitsadmin.exe BITS administration utility the service is designed to download files and is a standard component of all currently supported Windows operating systems.

Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) is used in Windows to download security updates. It is this property of the service that cybercriminals use to hide their presence on a compromised system.
If the location of the process is different than “System32” it is better to delete it with special anti-virus scanner.

BITS uses free communication channel resources to optimize network performance, so its activity is hard to find out for the user.
One of the difficulties in protecting against abuse is that BITS uses Windows Update, Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS), Microsoft Messenger and other tools, so firewalls usually trust the service when sending data to and from the network. Another feature that makes it difficult to prevent BITS abuse is that when a dangerous application downloads files using the service, traffic appears to be coming from BITS, not from the application.
The potential for abuse of BITS is not limited to downloading programs. The BITS service can become a source of information leakage if you use it to transfer files from the network to an external computer, although this requires that an external IIS server with BITS extensions be installed on an external computer. In this case, it may also be useful to completely opt out of using the service.
In Winx64 system it can known as bitsadmin.exe BITS administration utility (32-bit)