wscript.exe Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host allows you to work with the file system, the registry, network connections (disks, printers), the environment, etc. With the help of wsh scripts, you can control the start of programs, send signals to other processes, remotely administer the system, work with a network printer, manage login (login -scripts) and much more. Scripts for Windows Script Host can be not only individual programs, but also embedded in HTML pages, and used in Active Server Pages (ASP), JScript, VBScript or PerlScript. Process located C:\Windows\System32\wscript.exe

There are several advantages over bat-files. The most important advantage is an increased range of activities:
- Create shortcuts for applications
- Disconnect the device
- Making adjustments to the operating system registry
- Networking
- Switching users and getting information about them
- Making changes to environment variables
- Display various types of information messages
Documents of this type can be divided into 2 categories:
- js – they are written using JScript;
- vbs – created using VBScript.
There are some differences in the syntax, but they are insignificant. If you are familiar with one of the described languages, then in the understanding of the other there will be no problems. Special libraries should be used to read the files. On Windows operating systems, they are built-in and you do not need to perform additional downloads.
In Winx64 system it can known as wscript.exe Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host (32-bit).
Problems with wscript.exe?
If a malicious script is downloaded and executed it will appear as if wscript.exe antivirus programs usually detect C:\Windows\System32\wscript.exe as the culprit, however, it’s not necessarily infected. It may be that your computer is infected with Worms and Trojans. You should not delete wscript.exe manually, many Windows services require it and our computer may not function properly if it cannot be found. But you should use anti-malware software to remove wscript.exe related malware from your computer.
- The Windows Script Host settings have been reset to default.
- Can’t find script engine “%2!ls!” for script “%1!ls!”.
- Attempt to execute Windows Script Host remotely while remote execution is disabled.
- Attempt to execute Windows Script Host while it is disabled.
- Windows Script Host access is disabled on this machine. Contact your administrator for details.
- Loading script “%1!ls!” failed (%2!ls!).
- There is no script engine for file extension “%1!ls!”.
- Script setting file “%1!ls!” is invalid.
- Unicode is not supported on this platform.
- An attempt at saving your settings via the //S option failed.
- Script execution time was exceeded on script “%1!ls!”.
Script execution was terminated.
wscript.exe Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host (32 бита)
wscript.exe Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host (32 位)
wscript.exe Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host (32 bits)
wscript.exe Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host(32비트)
wscript.exe Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host (32 ビット)
wscript.exe Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host (32bitové)
wscript.exe Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host (32 bit)
wscript.exe Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host (32-bittinen)
wscript.exe Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host (32 bites)
wscript.exe Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host (32-biter)
wscript.exe Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host (32-bitowy)
wscript.exe Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host (32-bitov)
wscript.exe Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host (32 位元)
wscript.exe Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host (32-bitar)