WUDFHost.exe Windows Driver Foundation – User-mode Driver Framework Host Process-this is a standard process in Windows, which controls and regulates the operation of drivers. Location of the process is similar to all other Windows OS C:\Windows\Sysem32. If you find out process in other folders in most cases this is a virus and you should delete it immediately
Known file sizes on Windows 10/8/7/XP are 196,608 bytes (20% of all occurrences). The program is not visible. WUDFHost.exe is a trustworthy file from Microsoft.

This is background running process. If Windows needs to get some hardware device the WUDFHost.exe process will appear. These process not a Windows core system process, but if you want all your drivers run good, do not terminate process. CPU usage is not that big. And anyway sometimes it can cause high usage of CPU because of malware.
WUDFHost.exe is not a virus, but writers of malware programs, such as viruses, worms, and Trojans give their processes the same file name to escape detection on the computer.

Keep in mind that the invasion of WUDFHost.exe occurs along with some other free applications that are usually downloaded and installed by users. It is very important that you always pay close attention to what other free applications that you intend to do part of your computer. So, in case you read information about some additional utility you do not need during the free installation, make sure that you do not agree with such offers.
In Winx64 system it can known as WUDFHost.exe Windows Driver Foundation – User-mode Driver Framework Host Process (32-bit).
WUDFHost.exe Windows Driver Foundation – User-mode Driver Framework Host Process (32bitové)
WUDFHost.exe Windows Driver Foundation – User-mode Driver Framework Host Process (32-bitar)
WUDFHost.exe Windows Driver Foundation – User-mode Driver Framework Host Process (32 bits)
WUDFHost.exe Windows Driver Foundation – User-mode Driver Framework Host Process (32-bittinen)